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The Paul and Linda Kahn Foundation

 Your gift

Makes a difference.


You can help The Paul and Linda Kahn Foundation with a direct gift or a gift through your estate.  Think of it as your gift to the future, a legacy with a permanent impact.  You and the Foundation in partnership, making a difference that endures. 


  1. Bequeath or give directly a specific dollar amount or specific assets such as securities or tangible personal or real property to The Paul and Linda Kahn Foundation
  2. Direct in your will that The Paul and Linda Kahn Foundation receive all or part of your remaining estate assets after the payment of any specific bequests and final, estate-related expenses
  3. Establish a testamentary trust that pays lifetime income to you, your spouse and/or other beneficiaries (living at the time that the trust is established), after which the trust assets are given to The Paul and Linda Kahn Foundation
  4. Designate The Paul and Linda Kahn Foundation as the beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k), or other retirement plan assets.

What you gain through your gift:

  1. For all gifts, the satisfaction of knowing that you are contributing to the future of The Paul and Linda Kahn Foundation.
  2. For a charitable remainder trust, receiving increased spendable cash income on a tax-advantaged basis, while receiving a deduction for a charitable donation. 


  1. For estate gifts:
    1. Capping a lifetime of generous giving
    2. Making a larger gift than might have been possible during your lifetime.
    3. Receiving a federal and/or state estate tax deduction, which may reduce the size of your taxable estate.

 To learn more about charitable planning and other giving opportunities:

Telephone us at 844-278-9100 (Linda M. Kahn)
Email: lmkahn at mindspring dot com