2022 Winner Annabelle Gunn

Annabelle Gunn is a junior at Jacksonville University majoring in flute performance. She has participated in several masterclasses across the country with world-renowned flautists. She soloed with the Douglas Anderson School of the Arts Orchestra in the Concerto Competition, competed in the finals at both the First Coast Wind Symphony Concerto Competition in 2019 and the Northwest Florida Symphony Orchestra Concerto Competition in 2021. She served as the principal flautist at Jacksonville University and Douglas Anderson School of the Arts since 2017 and won a seat with the Allstate Band/Orchestra from 2015-2019.

She is not only an extremely talented musician, she has shown extraordinary courage and determination during her recovery from serious injuries in an auto accident in 2021.

Annabelle performed a beautiful flute recital at Jacksonville University. The music begins around 10:35 after an introduction by Shaun Bennet on behalf of the Linda and Paul Kahn Foundation.